Yesterday was a long and a bit tiring day and at the end of it different thoughts were haunting my brain.
I started talking with my boyfriend about passions. So it brought me to think about how much you are willing to give up if you really love something or someone for that matter. I do not knowif saying something or someone is appropriate as loving someone (like a mother loves her child) is something sostrong that people sacrifice their lives without a second thought.
So let's talk about this "something" that I think everyone has in his or her life. It doesn't really matter what it is, it can be money, jewelry, cars or sport,board games, cooking. It is something you seize to exist without.
In my case, I was speaking about travelling.
Yes, I love travel, it is my passion that I discovered several years ago and cannot give it up. It's like a drug...
Oh, it reminds my of a conversation I had once... This guy told me that he was very passionate about online gamesand I asked why (for me it's a valid question as I was never attracted to it but really curious to know whatpeople find about it). He said that life online is so intense and exciting that the minute you pull out of
it and get back to the reality, you feel like the whole world has stopped. Everything is so still, nothing
moves, you feel paralized and deprived of any feeling.
This is exactly the way I feel about travelling. The minute I stop, I feel that I am being held inside this bubble where life has frozen and time has stopped still. I sometimes feel that I need it like oxygen and it is hard to stay in one place or settle down for that matter. The second I do, my heart keeps calling me to go and see something else I have not seen on this earth yet.
But as much as I am passionate about it I managed to meet many other people who seem to love it much much more, immesurably.
All these people who quit their jobs and "normal" life (at least this concept of normality that is accepted in our society) and families and went thousands of miles away to brade dreadlocks on the beaches or make bracelets or work as a bar-tender on a beach in Cambodia. They don't seem to care about if they have enough money to buy food tomorrow or sometimes a place to sleep for the night but they always find a way. Many go through some rough times but they still persevere, they don't resign and go back to their parents crying for help, they are not complaining that life has been hard of them (well, may be some do, but most of the people I happened to meet, don't). So this brings me back to my initial question of how much people are willing to give up for something they truly love.
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